The Australian Freedom Ball celebrates the people of the Australian Freedom Movement and brings the nation together for the cause of Freedom.
The Australian Freedom Ball is organized by Australia Freedom Rally, the national coordinator of the World Wide Rally for Freedom in Australia which brings thousands of people to the streets regularly in support of Individual Freedom, Economic Freedom, and the preservation of our inalienable Human Rights.
Our Grassroots Movement is once again joining as one in Melbourne, Australia to celebrate the people who make the Freedom movement possible, and bring advocates of Individual Rights together from around the nation.
The inaugural Australian Freedom Ball was hosted in Sydney last year on an invitational basis, and the torch has been passed on to Melbourne to make this captivating event bigger and better than ever before.
The Ball will be hosted at an amazing Venue in the CBD of Melbourne Australia, and the exact location will be disclosed via email to all attendees closer to the event.
We welcome everyone from around Australia to join us for an outstanding night, with the ball ticket allocations now widely publicly available to We The People that make our movement strong.
Special guests to the event will be announced as we move closer towards the night.